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Ellora Cave Temple

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Ellora caves temple is the example of the splendid achievements of Dravidian art. The work of its establishment has started from 757 and has ended by 773. Ellora caveVisitor will be able to see various histories that are associated with the style in southern India.

The builders of the temple have taken some ideas from Virupakshi temple before building the same with dynamism.

Since the temple is laid down for southern India, the use of shikara has been omitted over here.

Since this feature is common in north Indian temples, it has been cut out to conceptualize the southern portion of India.

Place: Ellora is a wonderful archeological site which is very near to the city of Aurangabad. Its located at a  distance of 29km from Aurangabad. Ellora caves and temple comes under the jurisdiction of Maharashtra. This took place specifically during Rashtrakuta dynasty. Ellora consists of different types of monumental caves. Ellora represents the epitome of Indian rock cut sculpture.

Description: Since the wonderful sculpture and variation and spread across a large area, it becomes really impossible to visit the caves specifically without any guidance. Ellora caveThus, once you have entered into the entrance of the historical place, you can visit the map. The map would guide you about each and every place which is located at this wonderful place. Ellora caveWhether you wish to have a view at the Buddhist cave or that of Hindu caves will be absolutely at your discretion.

Since there are many varieties of caves at this place each cave has been numbered for the convenience of the individuals. You have to visit cave 1 which is known as Vihara and has got eight cells.

Similarly cave 10 is known as Vishvakarma. This is known as the only chaitra griha.

Interesting facts about the place: You will also be amazed to visit the Hindu caves at the campus of Ellora caves and temples. These cases have been constructed from the middle of eighteenth century to the end of the same. This period is specifically known as Kalachuri period. The execution skill of the builders was really amazing with regards to theses powerful caves with the richness of Indian history.

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